Sunday, April 17, 2011

Me encanta Chile!

Someone asked me today if I liked Chile so far, my reply was that I love it. He then asked me why and I couldn't think of anything specific at the time, so I just said I liked todo (everything). Here is a short list of a few of the things I love about Chile:

I can see the Andes almost every day and they are absolutely beautiful! It is a view that definitely doesn't get old. Santiago is a huge city literally surrounded by mountains.

I love speaking Spanish!

The Chilenos that I have met here are very nice and so welcoming.

I enjoy afternoon siestas.

Dancing is so much better here! Where as fist pumping is an acceptable form of dance in the US, people here are great dancers and dancing salsa is common.

I also love how relaxed I feel here, I am wayyy less stressed out then I usually am at home. My student visa actually permits me from having a job so that might be a part of it. But in general people here are less concerned with getting as much done as possible in a day and are more laid back about time.

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